after tossing and turning for a year about whether i will go to the culinary school, i have finally come to a decision. Following that i applied for a credit. Then, i got denied:) Panicked, and got a couplo nightmares... Apparently they only update credit data like once a year, so i proved my status and reapplied.....finally i've got a whole lot of money on my account right now- should i go for a quick shopping spree instead?!:)
The school starts by the end of this january, so i will have a lot to write about...though i did have a lot since my last post anyway, but i'm hoping to give more time writing in this period...
But the reason is, as some of you may have noticed, when i'm in the mood my posts are pretty good, but when i'm not i feel like an idiot who cannot bring two words together... same thing with drawing, even matchstick man is a tough job when off:)
i won't take any more of your time for today:)
Here's a patchwork of the things been going on this month...

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