Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cococups Delivery

It took me a while to realize that i actually have the time to bake now. So, i went back into the kitchen on friday and tried another cupcake recipe.

Honestly, i really thought that it was gonna turn out to be horrible. First, i accidentally dropped an extra yolk into the mixture and couldn't get it out since the blender was already running, teehee:) And for some reason, that day i could not stand the smell of eggs, so it was all together a weird baking experience with a bit of disgust.

Then, when i was adding the coconut milk, i realized -halfway through- that the cream and the liquid of the milk got separated. From then on i was definitely sure that they were disasters. And the stupid idea held me away from even trying them out:) Just let the honest friends have a say:)

Anyways, after a midnight baking session i went to sleep and got up to prepare the ganache and spread my cupcakes in the morning. Missed the service bus for it and ended up paying a stupid amount to the taxi. What's the hurry? To have lunch with my boyfriend at his lunch break...

In all that hurry, i haven't had the chance to try them out, but they looked good; and were delivered to my dear friend Gokcen, and the always-hungry-for-sweets software developers of Vodafone Technology. Apparently, they tasted amazing:) My first coconut cupcakes with bittersweet chocolate ganache spread..


What games mind plays on perception?!

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